How to solve “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly”?

Solve “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly: Rename folder mysql/data to mysql/data_old Make a copy of mysql/backup folder and name it as mysql/data Copy all your database folders from mysql/data_old into mysql/data (except mysql, performance_schema, and phpmyadmin folders) Copy mysql/data_old/ibdata1 file into mysql/data folder Start MySQL from XAMPP control panel 

How to solve “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly”? Read More »

Inserting Multiple Rows into a Database Table with PDO and Retrieving IDs of Inserted Rows

Inserting Multiple Rows into a Database Table with PDO and Retrieving IDs of Inserted Rows It is possible to insert multiple rows into a database table with a single query using PDO, but you won’t be able to retrieve the IDs of all inserted rows with a single query. If you need to insert multiple

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